Let The Light In
Jennifer Ettinger has been speaking on Holistic Leadership Principles and Holistic PR across North America since 2016. She has been serving as a Holistic PR Strategist since 2017, working with Large Entertainment Clients in Los Angeles and Canada as well as brands, non-profits, and start-up entrepreneurs. This program is designed based on Jennifer Ettinger's 30 years of study in holistic leadership, mindfulness, and spirituality. You can read her personal story of what brought her to develop this course HERE.
If you believe there is a positive and negative force in the world, a world made up of energy exchange; this is the first step in embracing the philosophies of HP.
Is the Holistic-Preneur program for you?
Jennifer Ettinger has been speaking on Holistic Leadership Principles and Holistic PR across North America since 2016. She has been serving as a Holistic PR Strategist since 2017, working with Large Entertainment Clients in Los Angeles and Canada as well as brands, non-profits, and start-up entrepreneurs. This program is designed based on Jennifer Ettinger's 30 years of study in holistic leadership, mindfulness, and spirituality. You can read her personal story of what brought her to develop this course HERE.
If you believe there is a positive and negative force in the world, a world made up of energy exchange; this is the first step in embracing the philosophies of HP.
Is the Holistic-Preneur program for you?
- Do you seek more peace and self-love in life?
- Do you want to develop leadership skills that will serve as tools when dealing with personal and professional relationships?
- Do you want to have a feeling of grounding that can aid you during the most challenging times to find clarity vs. false truths? Do you want a robust business that attracts the right clientele and services that leads with your moral compass?
- Are you willing to do the necessary work to identify your current strengths and ego awareness which will allow you the power o adjust and strengthen your gifts of service in the business?
- Are you willing to let go of blaming others, even when faced with adversity?
- Do you have the desire to "touch lives" on a higher level?
What You Will Learn:
- Holistic Leadership 101 - Core Values and Principles
- Self-Love: How to claim it and how it affects your personal and business relationships
- Affirmations - What you think about, you bring about. The How's and Why's to create a daily practice.
- Journaling - Techniques and Benefits
- Develop Your Signature Mantra
- Create AND Manifest your Vision Board
- Spirit Team: How to connect and allow guidance into your life
- The Power of Breathe: How to breathe to bring clarity and awareness into your life
- Chakra Education: What are Chakras, Practice and Healing
- Guided Imagery and its healing effects
- Emotional Wellness through Essential Oils
- How to create a safe space within yourself, in your home, and office.
- Protection and Cleansing Techniques (before and after a client meeting)
- Food as Fuel: Healing Foods for Emotional Wellness
- The Benefits of Lifestyle Medicine
- Holistic PR: Principles and Attributes
- Social Bios: Clarity on how you serve
- Social Synergy: The power of engagement
- How to cultivate your social community, the power of collaboration as a leader
- Create and Curate your Holistic PR Social/Digital Strategy Content and Plan of Execution
Since I started working with Jennifer, I have grown exponentially both as a person trying to navigate through life, and as an entrepreneur. Her ability to zoom in on what you are feeling and what is necessary to tackle that day is extraordinary. She understands that while entrepreneurs never have a list that is totally done, and their hearts and minds are always thinking about the next steps in their business, this cannot be done with ease and effectiveness if you are not feeling centered and aligned in your daily life. Our emotions, our feelings, our relationships, our health and our ability to understand it all and how it affects us is another key component to our work together. I have learned so much about myself in so many ways! Jennifer gives you tools to work with that are tangible but more than that she understands it all. Working strategically on my business with her keen social media savvy is all part of the parcel. The description: HOLISTICPRENEUR could not do any better at giving you an idea of what this program entails." By following Jennifer’s guidance and framework that we set out for my optimal goals, I have achieved |